Tuesday 26 April 2011


Sandbox Productions presents RAP BATTLES: STREETS OF LONDON.
Type: RPG
Consoles: Xbox 360 & PS3 (including microphone)
Unique Selling Point: Original game, use of microphone
Our idea is to introduce a new sand-box style game which enables the player to take control of an aspiring rapper living in London. You will witness your character's development from budding MC to hip-hop superstar throughout the exciting and involving 'careers' mode. Players can also use the online mode to connect with their friends and increase their 'world wide rep' which would include career levels, as your reputation increases.
Our game is aimed at mainly teenagers and young adults. Our gamer is young and trendy and listens to rap/r'n'b/grime music. They would visit websites for social networking and gaming websites. They would read music and gaming magazines. 
We will market it using guerilla marketing. An unconventional and unique way of marketing this would be for people to see rap battles in the centre of London (In a large, public area such as King's Cross), perhaps with celebrities that act as sponsors. This would attract many passers-by on their daily route to work. This form of Guerrila marketing would also act as a form of viral marketing as word would inevitably spread, as the passers-by go about thier day, and videos would be posted via online sites such as Youtube. This plan could be enforced further by getting the audience involved in the rapping, and would further the 'buzz' of the campaign.

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